2 years ago today, Copy Press launched
‘A Bird to overhear-‘ for their Becoming Fireflies series!
“Are we listening? Are you listening?
When did I start listening?
When’d di you first hear them? Do you recall which one?
Was it the dawn chorus? Or the wail, cry, caw at last light?
When did it dawn on you? Are you listening?
Can you name them? How many can you name?
According to the New York Times only 1 in 8 can
Name more than 20 species. Can you name their songs?Can you hear them? Can you see their flight patterns?
The landscape architect Gertrude Jekyll, once blind,
could name them by the sound of their wings in flight.”
-text excerpt from 'Listening" chapter | watch ‘A Bird to overhear-‘
I am forever grateful to Copy Press for their faith in my work. Thanks a million, Vit Hopley, Yve Lomax, Jono Lomax and Opel Morgen for this collaboration and all you did to make it happen.
'A Bird to overhear-' photography, filming/Brece Honeycutt; script, narrator/Brece Honeycutt; script editor/Vit Hopley; producer/Yve Lomax; video-editing, post production/Jono Lomax; graphics/Opal Morgen; thumbnail image/Brece Honeycutt