needlework toolsThis coming Sunday marks the Hari-Kuyo broken needle ceremony–a 400 year-old Buddhist tradition originating in Japan that honors the implements… |
#Alabama Chanin
mendedThe thermometer’s mercury slid to a new seasonal low this morning, 16 degrees F. Thankfully, outdoor chores—putting the garden to… |
bundle upWith the next polar vortex bearing down on us, it is time to gather one’s warmest clothes and prepare to… |
needleworkMy grandmother and mother worked with their hands and made beautiful embroideries and needlepoint textiles. When I was a child,… |
dudsAlabama Chanin makes garments and each piece is stitched by hand by “artisans working in their own homes and businesses… |
back-to-schoolIt is back-to-school season, and off I traveled to Woodstock, NY for a one-day workshop with Natalie Chanin. Even though… |
homespunMost likely from our grade school history classes, we are familiar with the Boston Tea Party and the significance of… |