Mother Ann Lee
29 February 1736 — 8 September 1784
Cosmic feminist karma
Inspired when first in,
When women invited in.
A broadsheet to marketh the course, to report.
Lace repurposed, given new life, liberties,
infused with psychedelic indigo.
A spectrum instructed with solemnity
Occasionally, light flickers.
Mother Ann Lee embodied cosmic feminist karma
bringing a new religion into the worldf
ounded on principles so radical that they endured persecutions
One could say her broadsheet was verbal;
she being illiterate to written words
yet literate in all realms cosmic
The written Testimonies of her contemporary believers
and works of the later visionists-scribes themselves of hearts and leaves
and maps and flowers and trees--
scripted scrolls brought down from spirits’ energies spoke to her cosmic energy.
Stone Prison
How can I but love my dear faithful children
Who’re willing to bear and suffer with me
When I was on earth and in a cold prison, I cry’d
To my God to remember me
I prayed to God to protect my dear children,
To strengthen the weak and comfort the strong
For I was distressed and in a stone prison,
And none but my God to protect me from harm.
—excerpt from ‘meetinghouse’ -- spoken word by Brece Honeycutt & Shaker song/Stone Prison sung by Miriam Cantor Stone. performed at Shaker Heritage Society for Moonbow #6, July 29 2023.