“honey from a weed”“As Carl Wilkens wrote when we make something with our hands, it changes the way we feel, which changes the… |
jane franklin mecomWednesday May 7, 1794–Two hundred and twenty years ago today, Jane Franklin Mecom passed away in Boston, MA. Jane was… |
badgesHistoric Deerfield’s Calendar arrived in my mailbox and I eagerly began to look at the course offerings. Of course, I… |
mrs. beetonYesterday was Mrs. Beeton’s birthday. Isabella Mary Beeton (née Mayson) was born in London on March 12, 1836 and died… |
mother/daughterWhen I was a child, my mother and I had a few ‘mother/daughter’ outfits—dresses that were similar and/or the same,… |
bundle upWith the next polar vortex bearing down on us, it is time to gather one’s warmest clothes and prepare to… |
looking back, looking forwardAs the New Year dawns, it seems appropriate to look back as well as forward. Martha Ballard, midwife, January 1,… |
mrs. gloverTomorrow, Sotheby’s will auction the first book printed in the colonies—the Bay Psalm Book. The Old South Church in Boston… |
needleworkMy grandmother and mother worked with their hands and made beautiful embroideries and needlepoint textiles. When I was a child,… |
warmthBefore the snows set in and the historic houses in our region close for the long winter nights, we have… |