“honey from a weed”“As Carl Wilkens wrote when we make something with our hands, it changes the way we feel, which changes the… |
firstsFirst day of spring. First spring snow showers. First flock of red-winged black birds. First shoots of skunk cabbage. First… |
take heartOutside, the landscape is white, covered by snow and ice, with more snow forecast accompanied by bitter winds. As I… |
emilyHappy Birthday, Emily Dickinson (December 10, 1830-May 15, 1886) Dickinson’s works are now more accessible—on the web, in a new… |
stepping stonesAccording to the garden historians, Rudy & Joe Favretti, “At the time of the American Revolution, about ninety-four percent of… |
‘by a Lady’Perhaps a copy of Flora’s Dictionary would have been found on Emily Dickinson’s bookshelf, posits the scholar Judith Farr. Dickinson’s… |
sourcesOne of my favorite sources for all things colonial is the online journal, Common-Place, sponsored by the American Antiquarian Society…. |
paper mosaicksOn May 14, 1700, in Coulston, England, Mary Delany was born. Mrs. Delany lived quite the aristocratic life and was… |
dandelionsWhen did the dandelion become so evil? Emily Dickinson so loved her dandelions that she transplanted one into a pot… |