“honey from a weed”“As Carl Wilkens wrote when we make something with our hands, it changes the way we feel, which changes the… |
seasonal rhythmsWhere does the time go, and how in the world did we arrive so quickly to the new month of… |
stepping stonesAccording to the garden historians, Rudy & Joe Favretti, “At the time of the American Revolution, about ninety-four percent of… |
choresOn the farm, we are in the midst of seasonal chores—weeding the garden; freezing herbs for winter; making and freezing… |
herbals & floralsGardening by the book–Celebrating 100 years of The Garden Club of America is currently on view at The Grolier Club… |
weeds, seeds & volunteersLast week our gardens were deluged with yet more rain, so this morning I turned my attention to the bounty… |
kitchen gardenIn last’s week mail, our order of potatoes and leeks arrived from Fedco Seeds, as well as onions from Dixondale… |