
Date : January 17, 2025
on pages
in pigments
in dyes
in jars
on yards of thread
been reading Shaker
manuscripts account books
and journals of work performed
been looking at collected
colors in jars
been working on a new book
project needing a rainbow of


Category : Art
Date : January 14, 2025

I SAY: Women Artists and the Words They Use
February 7 - March 7, 2025, The Hotchkiss School

Fern Apfel, Lesley Dill, Louise Eastman and the Victory Garden Collective, Madge Evers, Guerillia Girls, Jenny Holzer, Brece Honeycutt, Corita Kent, Melanie Mowinski, Leslie Roberts, Linda Stein, Tiny Pricks Project and historical objects. Curated by Joan Baldwin, Curator of Special Collections.

justest war, charcoal, graphite, tea, earth, pastel watercolor on paper, 50″ x 40″

“The worst peace is better than the justest war…….”

any color they could dye

Date : December 31, 2024
reds of cochineal and crimson
yellows of bark gold brown yellow green
greens invisible olive pea and myrtle
blues Prussian deep royal slate
drabs red sandy silver sage salmon and dove
purples crimson deep marron logwood lavender
browns fast damson fawn olive and claret
greys bark liver dark smoke batwings and doves

sending new year’s rainbows
joy and radiance for 2025
and thanks for your presence here

[studio doodle | work in progress for 2025 project
dye book from Harvard Shaker community]

drab drab drab

Date : November 25, 2024
drab drab drab 

reddish drab
sandy drab
silver drab
sage drab
salmon drab
dove drab
beaver drab
glove drab

reading old dye books
the name tells all

"Imagine. Colours of the past, escaping from the pages of old dye and pattern books. Persian blue, Raven, dainty blue, pomegranate flower, spiny lobster, winesoup, dove breast, golden wax, grass green, green sand, rotten olive, modest plum, agate...finding their way to streets of our cities, enlivening all we wear, all allied to dissipate the bleakness of the times."

From Dominique Cardon's introduction to 'The Dyer's Handbook Memoirs on Dyeing by a French Gentleman-Clothier in the Age of Enlightenment'
[Oxbow Books, 2016, pgs xi-xii]

+technicolor additions to Edward Deming Andrews text about dyes used by the Shakers at Watervliet

found color

Date : November 19, 2024

working on prototype for
an upcoming project
thanks Josef Albers
“Why colored paper instead
of pigment and paint”
-paper provides innumerable colors
-sources are easily accessible
   (HTSI magazine)
--makes an inexpensive paper ‘palette’
-unnecessary mess, quick easy juxtaposition
--no spoiled or paint mixing failures
--no big equipment, but paste and cutter
--no drying time
--ease of solving problems
[from Josef Albers, ‘Interaction of Color:
50th Anniversary Collection,’ Yale University Press
2013, pgs. 6-7]


Category : Art, Poetry, Shakers
Date : October 31, 2024
Miriam Cantor-Stone and I are thrilled to have our collaboration, meetinghouse, published in Early American Literature.

Thanks to Moonbow for inviting us to make this collaboration.
Thanks to Shaker Heritage Society for giving artists support and the space to do so.
Thanks to Early American Literature -- it has been a true pleasure to work with all of you.

And a podcast to follow -- with interviews and performance excerpts.

color is

Date : October 29, 2024
“Color is space.” 
Ethel Adnan

“Color is an essential part of construction.”
Elizabeth Burns-Meyer

.madder .cochineal.goldenrod.indigo.logwood

[‘The Beauty of Light: Interviews with Ethel Adnan,’ Etel Adnan & Laure Adler translated by Ethan Mitchell, Nightboat Books]

[Burns-Meyer from ‘The Book of Colour Concepts,’ Alexandra Loske and Sarah Lowengard, Taschen Books]

residency report

Category : Art, Books, Residency
Date : October 15, 2024
SkyDay Residency Report
Bascom Lodge 13 October

a small handheld book
folded from one sheet
of Fabriano paper
holds colors within
a greyed horizon --

“So mountains are languages
and languages are mountains.”
Etal Adnan from 'Surge’

To live at the horizon becomes
larger than mountain & sky

where poems reside

on lichen lined limbs
within sodden forest floors
on mountains, in valleys
in between clouds and sky

color from
the valley
the greyed sky
the pelting rain
dawn dusk

Thank you Monika Sosnowsk and Peter Dudek
for inviting me up to Bascom Lodge for a swell day
of looking, painting and writing. Thanks to the
dinner guests that listened while I read Anne Carson,
Ada Limon, Thoreau and a few of my poems.

[images of residency book, early orange dawn sky, atop the memorial tower, the valley, the lodge, the rain at the end of the day]


Category : Art, Nature, Residency
Date : October 7, 2024


Mt. Greylock Residency
Sunday October 13, 2024
dawn to dusk
poetry reading 4pm

On Sunday October 13, 2024, Brece Honeycutt will have a skyday artist residency at Bascom Lodge on Mt. Greylock.

Honeycutt continues to be fascinated by clouds and the ever-changing sky. Seconds compounded into minutes often bring quick sky changes. Contrasted with lingering, long lasting blues punctuated with wisps of white clouds. And yet, grey upon yellowgrey upon orangegrey into pinkgrey can be both grim and great, depending.

Whilst on top of Mt. Greylock, she will observe and translate onto paper with words and watercolor the skyday. At 4pm, she will read prose and poetry related to clouds, including poems from her forthcoming chapbook, pink grey blue sky cloud.

Thanks to Monika Sosnowski and Peter Dudek for inviting me to Bascom Lodge for a residency atop Mt. Greylock.

For information on Bascom Lodge, click HERE.

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