preservedSummers spent with Nannie, my grandmother, were a treat; however, they were not spent idly. We traveled the back county… |
seasonal rhythmsWhere does the time go, and how in the world did we arrive so quickly to the new month of… |
strawberry banke aka Portsmouth, NHIf one needs a bit of time traveling for the final days of summer, plan a visit to Portsmouth, NH. … |
pickledThe nasturtium was not native to the Colonies, but instead would have been brought from the “Old World,” according to… |
homesteads & market fairsOne of my favorite places to visit is The Claude Moore Colonial Farm, nestled across the Potomac River from Washington,… |
choresOn the farm, we are in the midst of seasonal chores—weeding the garden; freezing herbs for winter; making and freezing… |
herbals & floralsGardening by the book–Celebrating 100 years of The Garden Club of America is currently on view at The Grolier Club… |
weeds, seeds & volunteersLast week our gardens were deluged with yet more rain, so this morning I turned my attention to the bounty… |
buzzOur two new bee nucs arrived this week. A nuc (short for nucleus) contains one queen, 5,000-10,000 bees and the… |
Asparagus officinalis / Rheum rhabarbarumSpringing up in the garden over the past week are two early favorites—rhubarb and asparagus. In his book, Stalking the… |