dahliasstarted a summer series with Mary Gartside’s colour blots as inspiration dahlia prints from Naumkeag Artist residency daffodil ink from… |
ROYGBIV“The meaning of a word – to me- is not as exact as the meaning of a color. Colors and… |
swatchesRainbows In dye swatches In color torn from pages On wooden spools of thread Research materials for Poetry manuscript class-… |
encircling chorescolor & circles & spools color encircling chores spindles painted brilliant chrome yellow spools of red and yellow spools twined… |
ROY G BIV“The human eye can perceive over a million different varieties of color, but the human brain has better things to… |
patchworkMy grandmother stored her extra quilts in the attic, folded, with the plain side facing out, stacked almost to the… |