meetinghouse: A melding of spoken word by Brece Honeycutt and Shaker songs sung by Miriam Cantor-Stone.
meetinghouse continues Honeycutt’s long-term research project documenting the Shaker communal society. Her work twelve, a response to Sister Polly Jane Reed’s 1843 Spiritual map, The Holy City, will be sited on the Meeting House floor. The performance will additionally incorporate Shaker research, the writings of Thomas Merton, and the poems and letters of Emily Dickinson.
meetinghouse, part of Moonbow #6, was performed on Saturday July 29, 2023 at the Shaker Heritage Society in the 1848 Shaker Meeting House. Moonbow is an arts organization devoted to presenting multimedia events. Programming is inspired by each venue’s unique atmosphere and architecture.
Early American Literature podcast released with interview and performance excerpt. Listen here.
Early American Literature published meetinghouse in issue 59.3.