A Bird to overhear-
‘A bird to overhear-‘ Audio-visual images: history, landscape, birds. Bird song marks not only the change of season, but indicates ecological shifts in landscape and climate, as noted in the crucial observations gleaned by naturalists Rachel Carson (1907-1964) and Florence Merriam Bailey (1863-1948). Daily note taking brings an awareness to the world right outside one’s doorstep, gathering the nearby into community. Knowing and naming are firsts steps, in making aware.
photography, filming/Brece Honeycutt; script, narrator/Brece Honeycutt; script editor/Vit Hopley; producer/Yve Lomax; video-editing, post production/Jono Lomax; graphics/Opal Morgen; thumbnail image/Brece Honeycutt
running time 25 minutes |1080p HD | Colour | Digital 2.35:1 | Copy Press/Becoming Fireflies 2022
A huge thank you from the bottom of heart to Copy Press UK–Vit Hopley, Yve Lomax, Jono Lomax & Opel Morgen–for the opportunity, encouragement and hard work. Over the months of working on our collaborative project, their steadfast energy, enthusiasm and knowledge allowed the sounds of birds to soar.
Extreme gratitude to the American Antiquarian Society for my invaluable William Randolph Hearst Foundation Fellowship. Time spent researching under the Dome deepened my awareness, understanding and appreciation of the natural world, especially the realm of birds. Sometimes, a particular book can change the course of one’s path and for me, the Illustrations of the nests and eggs of birds of Ohio turned my research in a different direction, and for that, I will be forever grateful.
On June 15th 2022, I returned to the AAS for an ‘Artist in the Archive talk’ and a video of the program maybe viewed on the AAS YouTube channel.