SkyDay Artist Residency at Bascom Lodge
On Sunday October 13, 2024, Brece Honeycutt will have a skyday artist residency at Bascom Lodge on Mt. Greylock, Adams, MA. For information on Bascom Lodge, click HERE.
Honeycutt continues to be fascinated by clouds and the ever-changing sky. Seconds compounded into minutes often bring quick sky changes. Contrasted with lingering, long lasting blues punctuated with wisps of white clouds. And yet, grey upon yellowgrey upon orangegrey into pinkgrey can be both grim and great, depending.
Whilst on top of Mt. Greylock, she will observe and translate onto paper with words and watercolor the skyday. At 4pm, she will read prose and poetry related to clouds, including poems from her forthcoming chapbook, pink grey blue sky cloud.