Norte Maar features our recent collaboration: ‘Charting the #CorrepsondenceCourse of Two Artists Abigail Doan + Brece Honeycutt.’
detail of Correspondence Course exchange with Abigail Doan + Brece Honeycutt
“Founded on the ideas of collaboration among artists, Norte Maar is always excited to learn about independent projects that take form when two or more artists create, respond and explore the world together. One such project, initiated during the Autumn of 2015, features artists Abigail Doan (@lostinfiber) and Brece Honeycutt (@onacolonialfarm) who began a parallel process of collecting, diagramming, and altering select materials in an urban to rural dialogue intended to examine modern and historic connections in their daily lives. The results of this dialogue have evolved into #CorrespondenceCourse: a collaborative, materials exchange project between artists Abigail Doan and Brece Honeycutt.”
Please read the full article and view images on Norte Maar’s website.
Norte Maar for Collaborative Projects in the Arts: creating, promoting and presenting collaborations among the visual, literary and performing arts, connecting emerging artistic communities, and uniting cultural forces to foster artistic expression and raise the imaginative energy in us all. To participate in their current #MakeMoreArt campaign, visit the Indiegogo website.