studio rainbows

Date : April 23, 2024
studio rainbws
in circles & squares

waxed linen thread spool
'Thought Forms' squared chart
stacks of Shaker boxes
Winsor & Newton 'Revival' dot card
& grids of buildings clad in 'beauteous colors'

purple poetry prompt

Category : Nature, Poetry
Date : April 15, 2024
this morning’s poetry prompt
from Heather McKay Young 
pick a color & I chose

on my morning walk,
I found myself on the purple trail
by happenstance
by coincidence
by necessity
by unknown choice
by poetry

eclipse day

Category : Art, Color, Shakers, Textiles
Date : April 8, 2024
on eclipse day - 
circular images -
maps & cities
rugs & blots
sun & buckets
utopias & moons

1/Polly Jane Reed, Spiritual Map. The Holy City.1843, Philadelphia Museum of Art
2/ Mary Gartside orange blot, An Essay on Light and Shade, 1805, Dr. Alexandra Loske
3/ Elder Joshua Bussel, Shaker Village, Canterbury NH, 1850 - detail, Winterthur Library
4/Edward Deming Andrews color slide, Winterthur Library
5/Knitted rug attributed to Sister Elvira Hulett, C. 1893, Shaker Museum | Mount Lebanon


Category : Color, Poetry
Date : March 25, 2024
March 21 is International Colour day.
March 22 is World Poetry day & World Pigment Day.

I’ll be reading a bit of poetry on 22 March (12:50pm EST)  for the Slade School of Arts, 
Colour & Poetry: A Symposium VI, 21st - 22nd March 2024.

A cross and inter-disciplinary two-day virtual event held by the Slade School of Fine Art, in celebration of International Colour Day, World Poetry Day and World Pigment Day. T

The symposium hosts a range of speakers representing the arts and humanities, science, and industry, drawing upon knowledge from within and outside of the UCL community.

Mother Ann Lee

Category : Art, community, Poetry, Shakers
Date : March 2, 2024
Mother Ann Lee
29 February 1736 — 8 September 1784

Cosmic feminist karma
Inspired when first in,
When women invited in.
A broadsheet to marketh the course, to report. 

Lace repurposed, given new life, liberties,
infused with psychedelic indigo.
A spectrum instructed with solemnity
Occasionally, light flickers. 

Mother Ann Lee embodied cosmic feminist karma
bringing a new religion into the worldf
ounded on principles so radical that they endured persecutions 

One could say her broadsheet was verbal;
she being illiterate to written words
yet literate in all realms cosmic
The written  Testimonies of her contemporary believers 
and works of the later visionists-scribes themselves of hearts and leaves
and maps and flowers and trees-- 
scripted scrolls brought down from spirits’ energies spoke to her cosmic energy. 

Stone Prison 
How can I but love my dear faithful children
Who’re willing to bear and suffer with me
When I was on earth and in a cold prison, I cry’d
To my God to remember me 

I prayed to God to protect my dear children,
To strengthen the weak and comfort the strong
For I was distressed and in a stone prison,
And none but my God to protect me from harm. 

—excerpt from ‘meetinghouse’ --  spoken word by Brece Honeycutt & Shaker song/Stone Prison sung by Miriam Cantor Stone. performed at Shaker Heritage Society for Moonbow #6, July 29 2023.

“A Bird to overhear-‘

Category : Art, Nature, Poetry
Date : February 17, 2024
2 years ago today, Copy Press launched
‘A Bird to overhear-‘ for their Becoming Fireflies series!

“Are we listening? Are you listening?
When did I start listening?
When’d di you first hear them? Do you recall which one?
Was it the dawn chorus? Or the wail, cry, caw at last light?
When did it dawn on you?  Are you listening?

Can you name them? How many can you name? 

According to the New York Times only 1 in 8 can
Name more than 20 species. Can you name their songs?Can you hear them? Can you see their flight patterns?

The landscape architect Gertrude Jekyll, once blind,
could name them by the sound of their wings in flight.”

-text excerpt from 'Listening" chapter |  watch ‘A Bird to overhear-‘

I am forever grateful to Copy Press for their faith in my work. Thanks a million, Vit Hopley, Yve Lomax, Jono Lomax and Opel Morgen for this collaboration and all you did to make it happen.

'A Bird to overhear-'  photography, filming/Brece Honeycutt; script, narrator/Brece Honeycutt; script editor/Vit Hopley; producer/Yve Lomax; video-editing, post production/Jono Lomax; graphics/Opal Morgen; thumbnail image/Brece Honeycutt

Mary Gartside

Category : Art, Books, collage, Color
Date : February 1, 2024

Find more information on Alexandra Loske and her colour research, here. Mary Gartside (c.1755-1819) Abstract Visions of Colour published by Thomas Heneage Art Books

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